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The Importance of PDPA

PDPA which stands for Personal Data Protection Act basically states that any personal data collected online must not be used unlawfully. Companies that ask for personal data must do so with consent from the individuals involved. This consent must cover collecting and sharing their personal data with other third parties involved.

The PDPA varies from country to country. For example, Malaysia is under the PDPA outlined by Singapore. Singapore’s personal data protection act specifies that companies can only ask for personal information if there is consent and stated reason for how the information will be used.

Another one is Australia’s data protection act called the Australia Privacy Principles or the  APP. The APP states that  “personal data must be handled in an open and transparent manner”. This means that Aussie companies and organizations are legally required to publish an updated privacy policy related to managing personal information.

This goes to show that even though some of the specifics of the personal data protection act differs in other countries, the principles of managing data remain the same. The PDPA is vital in keeping all the personal information safe from illegal use. In line with that, it is also very important for both consumers and companies to know these rules and regulations by heart.

In this article, we will explore all other reasons why the personal data protection act is a relevant part of every company and organization’s system framework.

It does more than just “protecting” a person’s data

The PDPA does more than ensuring the safety and security of personal data. That is not its sole purpose. One of the biggest advantages of the personal data protection act is that it also protects the fundamental rights of consumers, customers, and individuals that are associated with that personal data.

By protecting the fundamental rights, the PDPA serves as a watchdog that these rights are not in any way violated. In addition to that, it also ensures that freedom of the individuals involved to know why and how their personal data is being utilized is not violated.

For instance, the wrong processing of personal data can lead to a situation that will lead to a person not getting the job opportunity or worse, losing a current job.

Non-compliance to the PDPA could lead to unpleasant situations

Another reason why the PDPA is important is that the mishandling of personal data can lead to unpleasant and harsh situations. These difficult situations, may it be big or small, could cause inconvenience to the persons involved. Situations such as losing a significant amount of money in a bank account or worse, cause a life-death scenario because of mishandled or manipulated health information.

This is why regulators of the PDPA ensure that all companies must comply and be held accountable when there are lapses on their part. In the case of a data leak that causes significant damage to a person’s reputation, the company will be subjected to penalties and other applicable consequences.

Ensures equal provision of services

The last but definitely not least, the personal data protection act  regulates the fair and consumer-friendly provision of services. So, what does this mean? This means that the personal data protection act has the ability to control a situation in terms of selling personal data. In this scenario, the PDPA regulates how personal data cannot, by all means, be sold out in the open.

The people involved should have greater power over who is selling the data. The people should hold the deciding power on what kind of offers they can make. Thus, the  personal data protection act is for the people and by the people.


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