
Copywriting Secrets from the World of Fiction

The Five Narrative Modes Fiction Writers Use to Craft Their ...

“To survive, you must tell stories.” -Umberto Eco

Storytelling is a skill that you can find in almost every successful sales copywriter. Why? It’s because it is through their tales that they get to convince and convert audiences. Besides, people love hearing stories, and it’s all a matter of choosing the story to tell, and telling it right.

But not all of us are born storytellers. Others are better as listeners, while others learn the craft through careful study and practice. If you belong to the latter and are eager to be the next leading sales copywriter, then there’s only one place to seek guidance from: fiction writers.

Why learn from fictionists?

Fiction writers take you away from reality. They tell you another version of the universe that doesn’t actually exist, even if it is based on realistic elements and characters. They tell you tales that didn’t happen, based on whims and ideas from their imagination.

In essence, fictionists bring their audience’s fantasies to life.

As a copywriter, part of your objective is to take your readers to an entirely new dimension. You bring them to an environment that they wish they were in, to a place where they can fulfil their wishes or get rid of their pains. You have to put them into this bubble, as this makes them vulnerable towards your offer.

Copywriting secrets from fiction writers

Since storytelling is the core foundation of copywriting, then here are some of the secrets from the world of fiction for you to learn from:

  1. Write with structure.

Fiction has structure. Regardless of genre, it has a framework. You have a protagonist, an antagonist, a plot, a proposed solution, a climax, and a conclusion.

The same goes with copywriting. You have a protagonist, which is your audience, a villain represented by the problem your audience is facing, a plot or environment in which they are set, your offer as a proposed solution, a big change in your audience’s lives for a climax, and a conclusion -which is the next step your audience has to take, aka your call-to-action.

Fiction teaches you to write in an organised manner. Even if you insert bits and pieces in the different parts of your copy, there is still a form of arrangement between your elements that your audience can grasp and digest.

  1. Power of detail.

Fiction and copywriting are both brought to life by the details. While you give them pertinent info, audiences won’t be grasp it as much as they do with feelings. Meanwhile, it is in your details where the emotions build up. These details are what makes your readers stay and continue with your copy.

So yes, make sure that you hype up the details in your sales copy. Create a bubble for them to be in. Let them enjoy being characters in your tale, feel your narrative, and adhere to the ideals you are championing.

  1. It’s a must that you know your audience, and you know your genre.

Lastly, the world of fiction highlights the salience of knowing your audience. It is a must that you know who your audience is, otherwise they won’t read you. What is their profile? How do they talk, act, and feel towards things? Are they easily swayed by pain? When and where are they most vulnerable?

By knowing these things, you can come up with copy that best triggers their emotions. You may choose to amplify the pain and hurt, or let them enjoy sheer happiness. By letting their emotions loose, the easier it would be for you to penetrate into their minds and convince them to take your offer. By then, you get yourself a sale.

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