
Chemistry 101 – Applying Chemistry In Your Everyday Life

Chemistry can be seen around us. This is a fact that most of the students didn’t know. Many people like to spend time on things they think are not helpful. If you think that you won’t benefit from something you just don’t pay attention to it. This is what happens to students who do not understand the importance of chemistry. They don’t know that there are a lot of benefits they can get from studying O level chemistry. They only feel pressure and stress towards the subject.

I think it will help them if you will be able to let them understand chemistry at using things around us as an example. This way they will be interested in knowing more about the subject. Let them realize that they can see chemical reaction and chemicals with the things they do or use every day. You can also let them know the benefits they can get from learning chemistry. Click here to get more information on how chemistry is being applied in our everyday life.

Let us look at some of the things where chemistry is present;

Chemical Reaction In Love

Love is a feeling where you feel something good toward a person. A chemical reaction happens that is why you feel this emotion. Most students would already be able to understand what love is since they have the ability to feel this toward their parents, siblings or friends. Different emotions are felt because of chemical reactions that happen through the body. This is the reason why sadness, anger or jealousy is felt by a person. Many students would be eager to find out more when you talk about how love and chemistry are related to each other.

Peeling And Slicing Onions

Many students at would want to avoid doing this when their mother asks them to do so. Peeling and slicing onions causes a person to cry. A chemical reaction happens in this process that is why the person is triggered to produce tears. The chemical reaction doesn’t only happen to the onion being peeled or sliced it also happens in your eye that is why it produces tears. As one removes the skin or slices the onion the cells of the onion is opened and the CA’s comes out producing a smell that makes you cry. The gas that you smell created a chemical reaction in your body that is why tears are produced to wash away the gas from your eyes.

Freezing And Melting Ice

Children love their drink to be cold. Adding ice to their drinks makes it more delicious for them. Explain to your student how chemistry is applied when water is being frozen and becoming ice. Let them observe how the ice melts and explain how chemistry is involved in the melting of the ice. Ask your students to do an experiment by asking them to bring their own favorite drink. This can be exciting for them.

Using Soap

Many children would love to play with soap. They could make bubbles with it; they also observe how some things that are dirty become clean after using soap. Some even wash their hands repeatedly because they love the feeling of soap in their hands. Explain to them that soap is made up of different chemicals. When you use the soap, a chemical reaction happens that causes clothes to be cleaned by washing it with soap. You can make something clean just by using soap. You can ask your students to do different kinds of experiments just to show them the different chemical reaction that happens when using soap.


Many children would love to travel by car. Let them understand that chemistry helped in making a car move. There are different areas where chemistry is used to make vehicles run. Let them understand what happens when there is no chemistry. They will see how chemistry is making easy transportation possible. They will become even more interesting to learn when they see its importance. They can imagine what would happen if O level chemistry didn’t exist. Explain to them how life can be so difficult. Let them know the things they won’t be able to have if chemistry didn’t exist. They will come to realize how much chemistry is helping them live a happy and more comfortable life. There are a lot of examples you can use to explain this to your students at



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